
26 May 2013
Today's prompt for the challenge is "something you read online." I read a lot of things online. Heck, I could share with you everything I've ever looked up on WebMD, but that would probably be way TMI for you, and possibly bring waves of anxiety back to me (I get nauseous every time I look something up on there, but when I'm worried I can't help it- I need to know- and thankfully, it has also helped me seek medical attention when necessary, like the time I got shingles- because I'm 80).

But it's Memorial Day weekend, and today I'm heading to the coast where I can take in the fresh, salty air and listen to the music of the waves. My heart and soul feel at rest along the shore of the ocean. So instead of sharing something I read, I'm going to share my absolute favorite YouTube video ever. If someone ever hires this guy to serenade me, I might propose marriage, or at least bake them my super duper chocolate chip cookies. This video makes me happy. Just like the ocean.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend! What are you up to? Do you like George Michael? (Please say yes.)

 photo Rachelsig_zps92ed9769.png


  1. Love this dude and all his silliness!

    Hope you're enjoying the coast...sounds lovely. We're staying inside to avoid the rain and binging on popcorn and Arrested Development. =)

  2. Hey doesn't like George Michael, boooo!

  3. oh my god!! too funny.
    I wish I lived close to the ocean - or at least close enough that i could drive there. i think i must have in my last life.

    <3 george michael. spent last night on netflix.


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