My Body: A Manifesto

17 July 2013
Today I am going to get real with you. I saw a horrible show on MTV a few weeks ago that really got under my skin (there's a reason why I never watch that channel). It's called Girl Code, and in this particular episode, they were talking about how girls are supposed to act in the bathroom. In particular, and it was news to me, girls are supposed to hover over public toilet seats- a girl should never sit. I think I've had a pretty normal upbringing, so I found this shocking (though it explains how some women seem to miss the target). I'm a sitter, always will be, and so far, I haven't acquired any diseases. 

But what rankled me the most about this show was how subversive it was. Here is a channel whose demographic is primarily impressionable young people, including women. And here was a show telling girls what they ought to do with their bodies (don't get me started on body hair). It is hard enough to be a woman with the kind of harassment and pressure we face on a daily basis, but to add to it women telling other women what they should be doing with their bodies is just appalling. I am of the firm belief that we women have to stick together if we really want equality in society. Shit like this is just two steps back.

So, I went to my journal and I wrote a manifesto for my body. 

This body is deserving of love and compassion.
This is my body and it is my choice what I do with it.
My body has no responsibility other than to serve my spirit.
My sole responsibility with my body is to take care of it. Taking care of my body means:
  • Feeding it nutritious food when it is hungry.
  •  Allowing it to enjoy pleasurable sensations. 
  •  Moving it in ways that feel good. 
  •  Protecting it from harm. 
  •  Giving it plenty of water and sun. 
  •  Loving it.
It is for no one else to say what I do with my body, including, but not limited to:
  • Shaving or waxing. I will be as hairy or as hairless as I see fit. My hair hurts no one. 
  • Wearing makeup. I will wear makeup when I want, but only for my pleasure. I will allow my bare face fresh air regularly. 
  •  Clothing. I will wear what makes me feel good, regardless of what others may think. 
  • Swimwear. I will wear whatever piece of swimwear I feel good in and suits my needs. 
  •  Attractiveness. It is not my responsibility to make myself appealing to someone else's eyes. 
  •  Diet. Diets do not exist. I will eat what I want because I want to live my life fully. 
  •  Color. I will be as pale as I am because I do not want skin cancer and I don't want too much exposure to chemicals. I also do not wish to be an Oompa-Loompa.
My body is the vessel through which my spirit experiences this life.
I will remind my body that it is beautiful.
I will show my body love.
This is my manifesto, and I will do my best to uphold it. I will try my best to show myself compassion when I forget to hold true to this manifesto.

Now friends, I encourage you to create your own manifesto. You can take mine, if you wish, or you can create one that suits you better. My only hope is that you understand that your one body is yours alone, and you have the choice to treat it lovingly.

So, have you ever written a manifesto? What "rules" do you think are bogus? I would absolutely love to hear from you in the comments below!
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  1. Rachel, you spoke to me with this post. I kid you not I was trying to fall asleep last night and I just had body image thoughts floating around. I am getting married in 2.5 months and my wedding dress fits me perfectly and I love it. I know I have about 80lbs to lose. But I love my dress. And I also love these two swimsuits I got last week. They make me feel great.

    I have posted pictures on my blog from the last few years without really mentioning why my weight fluctuates so much from one to the next. I feel asleep thinking... I am going to post a picture of me in my swimsuits that I feel amazing in on the blog. It's happening. If I want to share my true self I need to share my journey and love for myself. You've really got me thinking about how I will approach this on my blog. A manifesto might be in order :)

  2. I think this is important to address - I hate those shows. I was just talking about ridiculous expectations and ideas that so many people have from social media with a friend yesterday afternoon. Love your manifesto.

    1. Thank you- it really is important, and I almost feel that technology has created more expectations for women's bodies. I'm putting my foot down, and I hope other women will too!

  3. Well DAMN do I love this! Also, I've come across that awful show and watched in complete horror with A. And as someone who had a friend with a parent who is an OB/GYN, they confirmed to us when we were little and this question weirdly came up that there is no treason us ladies need to squat or hover.

    So proud of your for this post and your manifesto. I think I need to write one of these for myself. These bodies are to love and cherish and carry us through life, and it is sad how much time I have spent in the past being mean to it.

    leaner by the lake

  4. Now I understand why mysteriously some women miss the huge target...

  5. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

    Way to stand up and LOVE your body!

    Us women -- more than men, too -- put our bodies down CONSTANTLY! We focus on what's "wrong" instead of focusing on the things that are right... which, for most of us, make up the MAJORITY of things. If our bodies are functioning and getting us through the day -- especially after so many years of abuse, as is the case for me at least -- then that is something to be grateful for! Our bodies tell stories, our bodies have been our allies, here with us through so much. And beauty is DIVERSITY... we get so caught up with one way of looking or being, but there's room for ALL OF IT!

    It's the same with anything else -- we just need to be ourselves and accept us and that's when the beauty radiates. This goes for blogging, this goes for how we are at work, or what kind of mothers or daughters we are. It's not about trying to be someone else, trying to fit someone else's standards, but about being ourselves and just loving it.

    I'm glad you took a stand, Rachel. (Or a sit -- I'm a sitter, too! Seat covers for the win!)


    Oh, and P.S. I thought that this link might be interesting to you (and others reading this): GabiFresh's Fatkini 2012. I love how she is showing people that ANY body is a BIKINI body! She rocks it, looks gorgeous, and I love it!

  6. It really seems like it isn't until adulthood til most women find the "permission" they need to fall in love with their bodies. It's a shame that so many of what should be our most carefree years are wasted feeling imperfect and not enough. I'm happy to read your manifesto and excited that you are claiming the right to love your body, embrace it, and take care of it for all its worth!

  7. thanks for the great reminder! love this post :)

  8. Love it - I could never hover, that's what the paper is for.

  9. We don't have cable, so I have never seen this show. However, I am in love with this post! With two little girls of my own, I know that their innocent little minds are already being molded by society. My 2 year old asks 'why?' about 100 times a day and she stumps me every time when she asks 'why are you putting that on your face, mommy?' or asks why I'm shaving. I always think to myself. . . why am I doing this?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. What a beautiful post! Just what the world needed :) Love, love, love for our own body! Thank you so much for sharing and I especially loved the "This body is deserving of love and compassion! This was the perfect thing to wake up to :)

    Happy day to you,

  12. I'm not afraid to admit that I like trashy TV (a la Real Housewives) but that show is just wrong. I love your manifesto and confidence in your body & self. Thank you for not being afraid to speak up and sharing your positivity with this post!

    p.s. For some reason, my mom shared with me that my Grandma was a "squatter." I always thought it was weird & maybe had something to do with growing up during the depression? Apparently I had that all wrong.

  13. Great idea! So weird that there are shows that tell us what to do so blatantly... it seems like the only appropriate thing to do is to share our own experiences! So if they wanna talk about how great hovering is, whatever, fine, maybe they'll inspire some people. But don't tell us what to do! (But they're silly--I've heard a) you can't get any diseases from a toilet seat and b) the paper doesn't protect you from anything even if you could!!!)

  14. Oh my, Rachel. You are absolutely beautiful!! Mind, body and soul -- you are just about the most courageous and inspiring woman I have ever met. I loved this, so so much! I can not believe what that show was telling other women what they "should" and "shouldn't do" -- wow! That's so upsetting. :| Especially to think if young ladies were watching... :|

    I remember growing up, I was told that since I'm a woman I should wear more make-up... take more time getting ready... and even dress more "woman-ly" and when I asked what that meant to them, they told me to show more skin. What the hell? I will never forget that. Luckily, it didn't stick. I don't think that way -- but I pray that the young women watching that show don't get brainwashed! So terrible. :(


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