What I've Learned in 3 Months of Blogging

31 July 2013
Well, well, here we are. Three months ago, I wrote my very first post on this here blog. I wasn't sure what exactly I was getting myself into, but I had a vision for myself and for this space. The thing about visions, however, is that they never include the awesome stuff that you had no idea about. So today, I want to share with you the three most surprising things I have experienced since I started this blog.

1. Community. When I started out, I had hoped that my words would reach people, and have some sort of impact. What I didn't know was that I would make friends with other bloggers. I have yet to swap phone numbers with a blogger (I wonder who will be first ;) ), but the interactions in comments and on Twitter are often just as meaningful as my interactions with real life friends. I simply love the people I have met through blogging, and I feel like I've finally found my "tribe."

2. Inspiration. I was feeling inspired when I started this blog. I'm not entirely sure when it started, but I think the seed was planted when I watched a documentary about The Secret. Some of it is a bit woo-woo for me (and I'm a spiritual person), but the core message sank in. The Law of Attraction. Manifestation. It has several names, but the principal is that what you focus on is what you will bring into your life. So I decided, from that moment, to focus on the good. Then, one day, the idea for this blog came to mind. My mind exploded with inspiration. So I wrote my first post on May 1 and started reading other blogs through the Every Day in May link-up. And hot damn, have I been inspired by so many bloggers since then. Case in point: my reverse bucket list, inspired by Erika.

3. Love. Above all, love. I truly believe that you get what you give. I have put nothing but love into this blog, and I see it returning to me ten-fold. I was so overwhelmed by the support I received when I posted my body manifesto, something that gave me knots in my stomach when I hit the publish button. It was a moment when I showed the world (or, whomever reads this blog) what I stood for, and that I would love myself fearlessly. And you guys stood right by me. I felt so much love and support from the comments I received, and I treasured each and every one. I'm not ashamed to say that I love you guys.

Fellow bloggers- what surprised you most about blogging when you first started your blog? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

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