A Different Future

10 September 2013
Today I am linking up with Jenni for Blogtember. The prompt: a moment when your life took a turn.

I remember it so well. It really was a moment, a big moment. In reality, it was a deflation, when I was planning on inflation. A downturn instead of an upturn. Staying put instead of leaving.

When I was in college, my long-term plans were to get my bachelor's degree in French with a minor in Art History. I would then go on to grad school to earn first my master's, and then my doctorate, in Art History. In the distant future, I would become a professor of Art History, sharing my love of art and history with college students every day, and inspiring many more budding art historians.

During my senior year in college, I was dealing with a lots of new emotions that left me reluctant to make concrete plans for after college. On top of severe reverse culture shock, I had to deal with the first death in the family that I had ever experienced- my uncle's suicide. Throw in my dearest grandmother's swift death just a few short months later, and I was an emotional wreck. What do I do when I'm an emotional wreck? I decide to move back to France after college to teach English.

So my plans for grad school were pushed out, but they became more concrete as I had time to consider it. Upon my return to the States, I would get a job and then focus on taking a couple Art History classes in my free time and study for the GRE's. I would then apply to the best Art History programs that cover my chosen topic (which I still needed to decide). Easy-peasy.

Things went mostly according to plan. I took a Pre-Columbian Art History course, and a Women in Art History course during my free time. I volunteered at the Portland Art Museum. I totally rocked my GRE's. I decided on 5 Art History programs to which I applied, and awaited the results. In the end, only 2 of the programs accepted me. One was in Oregon, the other in Florida.

After much debate, I chose Florida. For one, I really wanted to work with the professor that I had been conversing with over the previous few months. She was incredibly nice and helpful, and her focus was the topic I wanted to study. Florida would also mean a change of scenery, something I was craving after living back home for two years.


Doubt started creeping in when I noticed the economy starting to tank (this was back in 2009), and I began to question if Art History is a very good idea, economically speaking. I had also begun to question the political nature of a career in academics, especially after some frosty encounters with another Art History department. I'm the kind of girl who when she realizes something is a game, she gets out. I don't compete- it's one of the reasons I never played sports.

But the moment everything changed was the phone call I received the day before I sent in a check for a deposit on the place I would be living in Florida. My adviser-to-be called me to let me know that after Fall semester, she would be changing schools. She felt that she should let me know, so that if she was the reason I had chosen Florida, that I could consider my options and really think things over.

To sum up, all my creeping doubts were validated by this one phone call.

So I let Florida know that I would not be enrolling in their Art History program after all. I called my mom right away, in tears, telling her my decision. I told my co-workers and then my boss at the time, letting them know that I would not be leaving after all, that they would not be needing to find a replacement.

And that is how I ended up staying here, with no concrete plans for the future.

Before I let you go, I would love for you to get to know one of my lovely sponsors and blog friends, Belinda!

My name is Belinda, and I am the writer, traveller, coffee drinking lady behind the blog: Found Love. Now What? There I share tales of living abroad in the UK, being a new wife (and expat), adventures to castles and abroad while sharing thoughts on developing your own blogging community.  I’m not perfect by a long stretch, so I classify myself as a work in progress with a sprinkle of humor and grace. I’d love to get to know you, hop on over and say hello!

 When do you feel most confident? I think my confidence steams from when I am learning a new skill, and I actually get something right! Currently, I am on a mission to take my DSLR off the manual mode and when I get a small victory, I feel just a bit more confident in what I am trying to learn.
What do you like to do to “treat yo’self?” Other than my Friday Starbucks? Hmmm… I would say that I love treating myself to travel.  We live fairly moderate lifestyles, in order to allow us to travel.  From day trip adventures to a week in Paris, I love anytime I can get out of the house and explore something new!
What is the best compliment you have received lately?  That I am inspiration to fellow bloggers, which is incredibly humbling to me.
How has blogging impacted your life? In so many ways! Blogging has given me a creative outlet to share my story with my beloved readers while connecting with fellow bloggers with similar interests.  Living abroad, blogging has created a community of support that I have come to count on when I am having a rough day or even a small victory.
Which blog post that you’ve written is nearest and dearest to your heart?  Oh, that’s a tough question! It’s like picking a favorite out of 350+ puppies… alas.  Of all the posts I have done, I would have to say one that I really love would have to be 5 Lessons I Learned in Paris. It highlights a bit of our approach when traveling somewhere new.

As a starting point, check out these posts:
5 Years From Now
An Open Letter to My Husband
Royal Baby Fever {But Not Me}
A Harry Potter Moment in Edinburgh
Whelp Summer, It's Been Grand

You can also find Belinda on Twitter, Facebook, and Bloglovin'

Belinda is an absolute shining light in the blog community, and she has been an influence and inspiration to me. She is a genuine soul, and her vulnerability is what makes her one of my favorite bloggers. Also, she lives near lots of castles in Wales, so I am dying to go visit her! Check out her blog- I know you will like what you find!

Have you ever had a moment like this? One that defined the course of your future? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!


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