A Moment of Gratitude

25 September 2013

This is Fox. If you've been around here long, you'd know that he is my nephew, my sister's son. Since I live with my sister, I get to see this boy every day.

One day, I will share with you the story of the day he was born. It was a very special day. He was even born on my dog, Lucy's birthday! But I am saving that story because it is special, and has more to do with my sister than with my nephew.

No, today I want to talk about Fox, and how grateful I am to have this time with him.

I've been feeling a bit of insecurity of late as to the fact that I am thirty (soon to be thirty-one) and I live in my sister's basement (which is a heck of a lot nicer than it sounds). I never imagined that at age thirty, I would not be living in a place of my own. But reality had other plans. For one, I do not do well living on my own (hello, severe depression), and the economy (and student loans) have required me to cut back spending on things like rent. Sometimes I just don't feel grown-up.

But that is the glass half-empty version of things.

Tonight reminded me how my glass is overflowing in a way that I will likely cherish for the rest of my days. After spending a little bit of time playing with Fox this evening, I asked him if he wanted to tell me night-night. He walked me to the baby gate that partitions off my sister's living room from the hallway, and then he waved bye-bye (which is part of his usual night-night ritual). He then kissed me through the rungs of the gate, and then he reached up his arms to me. He only recently began giving hugs, and tonight he wanted a hug in addition to his usual goodnight kiss. When I picked him up, he put his arms around my neck and rested his golden head against my shoulder. After I put him down, he reached up again, wanting one more hug. It was the sweetest moment, something he did entirely on his own. And that is when I realized that my insecurity is flawed.

If I didn't live with my sister, I wouldn't have such moments as this. Fox is already growing up so quickly, and his days as a toddler will pass before I know it. It's the small moments that I appreciate the most, and living with my sister's family means I get to spend lots of small moments with Fox. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

GRAD-ITUDE 101: A Linkup By Chimerikal

What sort of small moments make you feel grateful? I would love to hear form you in the comments below!


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