Photo by Motormouth Studios |
Today's post is inspired by Lisa's post last Wednesday, which was inspired by this post from Avoiding Atrophy, a new-to-me blog. I love the idea of talking about things that we love about ourselves. As women, we often feel the need to downplay our assets, lest we sound boastful, and more often than not, we tend to focus on the things we don't like about ourselves. For this reason, and in the hopes of encouraging you to do the same, I'm joining up with these two ladies to talk about ten things I like about myself. Of course, since this month I'm blogging about showing love for our bodies, I had to give the post my own twist, so I present to you:
10 Things I Like About My Body
- I like my legs. I like their shape, their curve, and I like the way that they have taken me places I never could have imagined. They've climbed the stairs of Giotto's tower in Florence, they've run/walked a half marathon, they've danced across stages, and they've remained steady and strong the whole time (well, other than the bit about the IT-band).
- My smile. True story: I never really thought much of my smile until one of the classes I taught in France. To give my 11th-graders a chance to get to know me while working on their English conversation skills, I had one half ask questions about me, while the other half guessed my answers to the questions. One question that was asked was what I liked best about myself, and my students guessed my smile. When I told them that was not my answer, they asked me why- it seemed so obvious an answer to them. That moment made me think I should smile more often- and I do.
- My eyes. From a young age, I was always told this was my greatest physical feature, and I admit, I love my eyes. I love that they are big, hazel, and I love that I have naturally long-ish lashes.
- My eyebrows. Weirdo-alert, but I love a good eyebrow, and I am very happy to have nice arches. I actually have a fairly prominent (to me) scar in my left eyebrow where it is white and no hair grows- I've had it since I was a toddler (I supposedly fell in the bathtub). So, though they be crooked, my eyebrows make for nice curtains to the windows of my soul.
- My hourglass shape. Granted, dressing my shape is difficult given that many clothes manufacturers seem to make clothes more suited to straighter figures, but I love that I go in at the waist, and it's something I love to see when I'm decked out in my belly dance costume. It also makes me feel very feminine.
- The odd brown spots on the palm-side of my hand. I've had the one ever since I was a toddler, but the other showed up some time in the last two years. They're kind of odd, and growing up my siblings referred to the one on my finger as my poop spot. Very funny (not). I don't care what they say- I like that it's unique.
- My hair. My hair actually thinned out quite a bit the second time I lived in France, as did both of my roommates' hair (freaky). Even so, I like the thickness of my hair, and how shiny and soft it tends to be. I've grown to appreciate my stick-straight brunette locks, despite doing everything in my power as a child to get Madonna's and Stephanie Tanner's golden curls.
- My nose. I used to hate my nose as a kid. I thought it as too big, or too round, or just plain ugly. But somewhere along the way, I grew into it. I'm not entirely sure who's nose I acquired, but I can say it's mine and has its quirks. And I like it that way.
- My hands. They may be small, and they may be showing my age, but they are fierce. They can shape up an amazing scone, they can chop chocolate like their lives depend on it, they can fashion words out of thin air, and they give the best doggie ear and belly rubs.
- My hips. I used to hate my hips. Really, truly hate them. They were too big, and finding pants was always frustrating. But then I discovered belly dance, and I learned how to use my hips. Now I love nothing more then to shimmy my hips in class and on stage. And who needs pants anyway?
I hope that this list inspires you to create one of your own. It may take some time and thought (I know mine did), but it is worth it. If you can, write it down or print it out and keep it near a full-length mirror so that even on bad days, you can be reminded of what you truly love about your body. Because, let's face it: we only get one body in life, so we might as well show it some love. Our bodies deserve it.
Your turn- share with me something you love about your body! Or better yet, create your own post! I'd love to hear what you love about yourself.
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