Heya, remember me? It's been quite a while since I last posted anything here. Time has really eluded me these past 7 months. Work has kept me busy, and when I haven't been working, I've either had other things going on or have been too exhausted to want to even process my thoughts by typing.
In fact, I'm still not entirely sure I've processed my thoughts, but I'm going to try, and I'm going to do so by tackling the big one here: why I haven't been blogging for the past 7 months.
I lost my writing mojo. I no longer had the heart for blogging. My work life was suddenly much more fulfilling than it ever had been before. My social life took off. That's a terrible paragraph- let's give each thought it's own paragraph, like a good writer.
I lost my writing mojo. Writing has not been a necessity for me for the past 7 months. I used to crave writing, needing that release of putting words to print. In order to process my thoughts and feelings, I needed to share my story with others online in order to find some common ground. With my new job as of one year ago, I've been surrounded by people with whom I can share my story, and no longer felt the desire to do so via my blog.
I no longer had the heart for blogging. This is a big one, and the one that will be the driving force behind what this blog will look like going forward. Because I had consumed myself with blogging prior to my current job, I was constantly reading blogs, reading about blogging, and interacting with other bloggers both on- and offline. I noticed some trends in the blogging world that I felt ran against some of my values. Blogging began to feel too commercialized, too much about materialism. Even if it wasn't about buying certain clothing brands, or buying into certain style trends, there was the consumerism of blog design elements or blog ad space. It started to feel very shallow to me. If there's anything my readers know about me, it's that these still waters run deep, and I care much more about the heart and soul of things- and nothing for status.
My work life was suddenly much more fulfilling that it ever had been before. I currently work in a job where I feel like I make a positive impact every day- if not directly, then indirectly. I definitely still have my ups and downs and (major) insecurities, but I are deeply about the work I do and the company for whom I do it.
My social life took off. Not only have I attended work happy hours, and hung out with work friends after work just because, but I also have found someone with whom I enjoy spending pretty much all of my time. Roughly six months ago, we began dating, and we've been pretty much inseparable since. I never thought I could find someone who I never tire of, but here we are, enjoying every moment we have together.
So what brings me back?
A little bit of inspiration from my partner-in-crime, as well as a little bit of desire to get back to my creative roots. I've been writing pretty much ever since I learned how to put pencil to paper, and can't go for terribly long without expressing myself in words, quietly. I've had a few brief conversations recently with my boyfriend about writing, and my wheels have been turning ever since. We also recently decided to start a blog together, which got me excited about my personal blog again. They are vastly different ventures, with different purposes, but I look forward to sharing both of these with whomever cares to read.
In the end, I have a voice that I feel compelled to share. What I have to say may not be cool, and it might go ignored, but I can at least sleep peacefully knowing that I have said what I felt to be true in my soul.
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